Farwell Robotics Team 8286 is going to be at Ferris State University for their 2nd, and final, district event this weekend. Catch them on Twitch's Live Stream https://www.twitch.tv/firstinspires35 or come to Ferris State University, 210 Sports Dr, Big Rapids, MI USA and watch them in person (admission is always free) March 28th and 29th. Opening ceremony starts at 10:30 Friday the 28th and 9am Saturday the 29th. Link to the schedule and other details: https://frc-events.firstinspires.org/2025/mibig

Upcoming Lego Contest on April 22nd, 2025! If interested be sure to have the registration form turned in by April 17th!

NHS is selling Biggby Coffee Coupon Cards for $25. If you are interested reach out to the High School office. Or you can get one from any of the National Honor Society Students.

Reminder to all spring sport athletes and guardians that the Spring Sports Guardian meeting is Thursday 3/13 at 7:00pm in the JPAC Cafeteria. All parents, guardians, and spring student athletes are expected to attend.

Farwell Robotics Team 8286 is going to be in Mt.Pleasant for their 1st of 2 events this weekend. Catch them on Twitch's Live Stream (https://www.twitch.tv/firstinspires35) or come down to the Mt.Pleasant High School on S. Elizabeth St. and watch them in person (admission is always free). Link to the schedule and other details: https://firstinmichigan.us/FRC/mimtp/

Farwell Athletics Spring Parent Meeting will be on March 13th at 7:00pm in the JPAC Cafeteria. All coaches, student athletes, and parents are expected to be there even if they have gone to the fall or winter parent meeting.

Congratulations to our Middle School Students of Character for the month of February!

Sharing with our community on behalf of Farwell Little League
Farwell Little League Registration Dates
February 1, 2025–Registration Begins
February 28, 2025–Last Day for Registration
The cost to play is as follows:
$50.00 - First child
$40.00 - Second child
$25.00 - Third child
Maximum per household is $115.00 (must be immediate family).
Payment is expected at the time of registration.
For T-Ball - boys and girls need to be 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
Residency must be within the Farwell Schools District boundary OR be attending Farwell Area Schools.
Questions can be directed to:
Mike Bell: 989-429-6877 or
Sarah Loomis: 989-506-5675

There is less than two weeks until Spring Sports start. Be sure that you have your physicals turned into the High School or Middle School offices to be sure to participate during the first practices!

Farwell Middle Schools Book Fair is right around the corner.
For more information visit the link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/farwellmiddleschool1

Farwell Area Schools is requesting proposals for Athletic Field Maintenance. Bids are due no later than 2:00p.m. on March 7, 2025 local time in the Central Office located at 399 E Michigan St, Farwell MI 48622.
More information can be found on our website . Click link for more information https://5il.co/37y58

Spaghetti Benefit Tomorrow February 20th at 5:30PM

Farwell Middle School is hosting an ELA/SS Family Engagement night on March 12, 2025 from 5:30 - 7:00. We will be serving dinner at 5:30 in the JPAC and then moving to the middle school for various crafts and games. At this time some students from each grade level will also be presenting a historical figure of their choice in a live wax museum. Students will get to take a book home from the book tasting room, and the spring book fair will also be in the library for students to purchase books. Come enjoy the students presenting in a live wax museum as well as the other activities we have planned for you.

On Saturday (2/15) Farwell will be hosting a Regional Powerlifting Meet. The MHSPLA has different ticket price requirements than we use at Farwell home events.
$5.00 for admission
Free: 10 years and under, Active Military, and 60+ in age

February 9, 2025
Dear Farwell Area Schools Family,
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Carrie Forfinski, a Farwell Area
Schools First Grade Teacher. Carrie lost her battle with cancer on February 8, 2025. Carrie
has touched the lives of many in our community and her loss will be felt by all.
The Farwell Area Schools will have counselors available on Monday to support students and staff in the grieving process.
The family is planning on services to take place at the Stephenson-Wyman Funeral home in Farwell.
Visitation will be Thursday 2-4 and 6-8. The funeral will be Friday at 11:00.
This is an important time for you to speak to your children. Often families use a time like this to
reinforce their own personal spiritual values. It is also important to reassure your children that you are okay and that you are taking good care of yourself. Also, your children need to know that you have planned for someone to give them a place to live and care for them, in case something should ever happen to you. We have talked with our students today and encouraged them to talk with you. if they have questions and concerns. We also let them know that there are people at school who care about them and are willing to listen.
We have loaded some resources for parents to our website to support you during this difficult time.
Please feel free to call if there is any other way we can be of assistance.
Steve Scoville
FAS Superintendent

Update on School Threats

The High School Robotics Team will be doing an Apparel Order for Robotics hoodies, shirts & hats. If you are interested please grab an order form from any of the 4 offices (Admin, High School, Middle School or Elementary School). Money and order forms are due back by Valentine’s Day and should be dropped back off to any of the 4 offices. Orders will be delivered by March 6th. That's just in time to be able to wear the apparel while the Robotics Team is at their first competition in Mt. Pleasant. More details to come!

Come out to our Spaghetti Benefit Dinner on February 20th from 5:30-7:30pm to support Guy Stover!

Athletic updates with the Cold Day in place:
Wrestling will still compete tonight at St. Louis
Girls Basketball will still compete tonight at Pinconning
MS Boys Basketball will have a schedule change to play Harrison on 2/26. (No game tonight!)

Tonight is the Snowfest Basketball Game ! We hope to see you there!