Hallway Decorations
December Students of the Month
Veterans Day Assembly 2023
November Students of the Month
Artwork Animals
National Honors Society Inductees
Homecoming Montage
School Record Broken
Hoco pics and Talon Newspaper
Homecoming Staff
2022-2023 Yearbooks have arrived! Class of 2023 graduates can pick their books up in the main high school office during school hours.
Kicking off the 23-24 school year. This morning a group of 2024 Seniors planted a Cyprus Tree at our Kerwin Paesens Athletic Complex near the softball fields. This tree is a light weight and durable wood that was planted for future students to harvest and use for woodshop projects.
Eagle App on iPhone
Senior Award Recipients
Students holding awards
NHS at John Ball Zoo
NHS and the VFW
FHS Recycling Field Trip Pictures
NHS Students Clean Up For Earth Day
Clare-Gladwin FFA Students in Pictures with awards