Farwell Schools has an amazing article in the Rural Innovation Exchange by ROSEMARY PARKER
It’s hard to know exactly what Josiah Littlefield had in mind back in 1927 when he donated 40 acres of clear-cut land to his local school district for the creation of a school forest.
Was he hoping for a spot to teach students the concepts of reforestation that he pioneered?
Decades later, the once barren property has grown into the Farwell School Forest and has been used to teach students forestry for years. Recently, the Clare County school district found another – perhaps unexpected – additional use for the site: a four-star disc golf course.
READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE ON RURAL INNOVATION EXCHANGES WEBSITE- https://www.secondwavemedia.com/rural-innovation-exchange/features/the-creation-of-a-disc-golf-course-caps-tiny-school-districts-forestry-lessons.aspx?utm_source=Active+Campaign&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=&utm_content=Mobile+Newsletter&utm_campaign=A+new+vision+for+a+forest+&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=A%20new%20vision%20for%20a%20forest&utm_campaign=A%20new%20vision%20for%20a%20forest%20%20-%20%20100300&vgo_ee=64bzMGZkhnmNw4l6%2FdatWb4NPGObY8sw%2BePCMyVPrrHzotJD%2FPIUFxQqyE0%3D%3AJaLBH7eHBmNGbY%2FFOZiEyGuhnwxO4FbS