Christmas Fun at FHS

What an amazing week of Holiday Cheer and Fun at Farwell High School!

Spirit week had events like - Santa vs Elves day, Jingle Bells vs Lights day, drink from anything but a cup day, Comfy PJ day and of course Ugly Sweater day!

The Annual Door decorating contest this year was a tough contest but Ms. Bergs' door won! All the doors made it so much fun to walk through the halls on the way to take those final exams!

The Annual Gifts From the Heart Program ran by our National Honors Society was a huge success again! Along with help from the Fire Department, Mears Corporation, Stacy Carstensen Family Medicine, the Womans Club, FHS Staff, and Community Members we were able to help out almost 20 families this year! The students had a great time wrapping presents to help make other peoples holiday a brighter time!

Of course the Annual Staff Breakfast where the men have cooked breakfast for the staff for at least the past 30+ years! What a tradition! Wonder who started this? Do you know? Email us and let us know! MAN... the halls smelled GREAT Friday morning!

Several basketball games this week included an important win for girls Basketball Coach Chloe Haring as the team had their first win on December 5th! Good job team!

Here are some pictures to enjoy! Check out other pictures shared on the Farwell High School Facebook Page and the Farwell Athletics Instagram page too!basketball teamdoordoordoordoordoordoordoordoorStaff cooks!